Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, which is contrary to international law, is also a threat for us. If Putin succeeds in this, he will continue to pursue his aggressive plans for expansion.

After Chechnya, Georgia, Crimea, Syria and Ukraine, which country will be next? If we want to preserve our values, the European Union and our democracies, we must do everything in our power to make this war a failure for Putin.

To this end, we must support Ukraine in its brave resistance as best we can.

To do this, Germany must immediately stop its energy imports and help to cut off Russia’s sources of money.

Germany must send a signal that Putin understands. Half-hearted sanctions will not do.

It is clear that this will require economic sacrifices. But Germany must send a signal that Putin understands.

Half-hearted sanctions will not do. And Germany must stop acting as a brake within the Western alliance.

We cannot afford any longer to block the sanctions that almost all states are calling for.

Michael Hakenberg, Prof. Dr. iur., was Professor of Business Law at Trier University of Applied Sciences.