Benvenuti al sito della campagna
Ecco il messaggio chiave:
Cosa c’è in gioco?
coming soon…
E poi?
Ecco come possiamo avere un impatto:
coming soon…

E poi?
Ecco come possiamo avere un impatto:
coming soon…
Quote of the Week: Putin will go as far as Europe allows him to go
Quote of the Week: Putin will go as far as
How to stop Putin? What guarantees it won’t work…
Monday, 13-06-2022
Freedom, peace or prosperity
Freedom, peace or prosperity The war in Ukraine continues to
For a better future: Create a peaceful and sustainable EU. Now!
Prof. Dr. Frank Görgen teaches Marketing at the Wiesbaden Business School, RheinMain University of Applied Sciences.
Russia must not be allowed to participate in the international energy resources trade
Borys Soloviov is a PhD student in Law at Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University.
Stop the war criminals! Putin understanders finally wake up!
Prof. em. Dr. iur. Bernd Richter was Professor of Corporate and Capital Market Law at RheinMain University.